Sunday, February 2, 2014

Better Late Than Never!

Winter finally seems to be upon us! And according to Groundhog Phil, the world's most famous furry forecaster, we can expect another 6 weeks of it. Phil saw his shadow at around 7:25 a.m (EST) this morning in the small town of Punxsutawney, Pa., amidst mostly overcast skies and temperatures in the mid-30s. Thousands of revelers showed up for the folksy celebration.

According to legend, if it's cloudy when the groundhog emerges, Phil will leave his burrow, signifying that winter will end soon. If it's sunny out, the groundhog will supposedly see his shadow and, frightened, retreat back into his burrow while winter drags on for six more weeks.

So what does that mean for us? Well, for a couple of weeks we've been struggling to tell folks what kind of clothing we're in need of (snow gear? swim suits?) given it's felt more like June than January... so we've stuck to transitional pieces, light layering and the basics. Folks are still looking for bibs, boots and gloves in hopes of a ski weekend down the road, and the good news is there is rain - and therefore, snow - in the forecast! And we still have some cold weather items in stock. However, since the weather can change on a dime, please check our website before heading down with your items to sell or consign.

Love is in the air! We love Valentine's Day and love to dress the windows accordingly! Inspired by my youth, when I had to wear a blue and white uniform there wasn't a day that I looked forward to more... every year my dad bought me a beautiful Valentine's Day dress. Come on down to the shop to see our selection!

On a final, and decidedly somber note, those of you who are our more frequent customers may have seen some changes around GROVE STREET kids in the last couple of months. We have some new faces behind the counter that are providing coverage for me while I have been getting treatment for Breast Cancer. There is no easy way to communicate this. But I want to thank those customers whom have already shown their support and patronage during this challenging time.

I am encouraged for a complete recovery, though I expect it will institute some unusual, yet necessary boundaries for me at the shop. I want to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for your patience and understanding as I navigate and establish what those boundaries are.

Thank you again for your continued support of GROVE STREET kids. We look forward to seeing you throughout 2014.

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