Monday, March 28, 2011

To Expand, or To Not Expand, That is THE Question...

Recently, you may have noticed a hole in the wall.

Well, not literally, but figuratively, there is a hole in the wall. Or, rather, a space. An empty space. A space that once was the Candy Bouquet. When Jack moved his store to another location, we started getting a lot of questions about whether or not we knew if anyone was moving in... then we started getting questions like, "Are you going to move in?

The truth is, we have been thinking for a while about expanding into the space next door. Jack told us last Fall that they would be moving to a new location at the end of the year. And in the interim, we've talked to some of our regular customers about what they'd like to see or, rather, if they'd like to see us expand. The overwhelming response has been "yes!"

So, at once, we are excited and daunted by the possibilities. If we do this thing, what exactly will we do? More kids clothes? More maternity? Used baby gear? What about used toys? And once we decide, how will we do it? Many, many questions to be answered.

Meanwhile, we are working diligently to figure out how to support this endeavor because, although the desire and opportunity has presented itself, the wherewithal to do it has not. So as we peruse our options as to how to get this thing done we appreciate all the feedback we can get! Let us know your thoughts via email from our "Contact Us" link from our website or at the bottom of this blog!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Get Out the Vote!

It doesn't feel like it's been that long since we were nominated for Best Children's Clothing Store on
We were honored and humbled by the win, and are ever-grateful for the support of our fans and customers.

But, lo and behold, here we are again... and at the risk of sounding self-aggrandizing, I am posting the link here, in the hopes that the relatively few of you out there that read our blog, will take a few moments to go the link and vote for us. (You have to register with the Baylist to vote, but it's quick and easy and you won't get spam - just don't forget to verify your email or it won't count....)

We're Competing badge

Should we win this round, we would have the unprecedented honor of being voted the Best Children's Clothing Store three years running. But, more importantly, and the main reason for this shameless self-promotion, is that the business who acquires the most votes, will win $500 to designate to the charity or non-profit organization of their choice. Our choice is an organization that we have been working with for over a year called Loved Twice. You can read more about our relationship with them and their founder, Lisa Klein, here.

So, thanks in advance, for your support of GROVE STREET kids and in our supporting a very worthy cause.